The main configuration file

The default settings used by the start_dv script are found in the main configuration file. It is referred to as main because there is another config file you could edit, the logging configuration file.

The main configuration file can be edited with the following command:

$ start_dv -e cfg

The logging configuration file could be instead edited with the -e log_cfg command-line option.

The previous command will open the configuration file with the default text editor that is associated with JSON files as specified in your system, e.g. atom on macOS or vim on Linux.

If you want to use another text editor you can specify it with the -a APP command-line option:

$ start_dv -e cfg -a TextEdit

In what follows, you wil find an explanation for each setting found in the main configuration file, presented in alphabetic order.


Some of the settings (quiet, simulation, and verbose) in the configuration file can be also set through the script’s command-line arguments. The command-line arguments override the settings found in the configuration file.

See also

The script start_dv


Three audio channels are used for this project:

  • channel 0: used for Darth Vader’s breathing sound which plays in the background almost as soon as the start_dv script runs. Its volume is set by default at 0.2 since we don’t want to overwhelm the other sounds playing in the other audio channels

  • channel 1: used for playing the Imperial March song and all Darth Vader quotes. Its volume is set by default at 1.0

  • channel 2: used for playing the lighsaber sound effects and the closing sound. Its volume is set by default at 1.0

The setting audio_channels in the configuration file defines these three audio channels with their default volume.

Audio channels and their default volume
"audio_channels": [
    "channel_id": 0,
    "channel_name": "breathing_sound",
    "volume": 0.2
    "channel_id": 1,
    "channel_name": "song_and_quotes",
    "volume": 1.0
    "channel_id": 2,
    "channel_name": "lightsaber_and_closing_sounds",
    "volume": 1.0

The Python package pygame is used for playing the various sounds used in this project.


  • Volume takes values in the range 0.0 to 1.0 (inclusive).

  • If value < 0.0, the volume will not be changed

  • If value > 1.0, the volume will be set to 1.0

As per the pygame documentation.


The setting default_led_symbols in the configuration file defines the default LED symbols used by all output channels. A LED symbol is used for each output state (ON and OFF).

By default, the symbols used for representing LEDs in the terminal are the following:

"default_led_symbols": {
  "ON": "🛑",
  "OFF": "⚪"


The setting gpio_channels in the configuration file defines the GPIO pins connected to LEDs and push buttons.

GPIO channels for the following I/O devices are defined:

  • Lightsaber button: it controls the LEDs and sound effects for the lightsaber

  • Song button: when pressed it plays the Imperial March song

  • Quotes button: when pressed it plays one of Darth Vader quotes

  • Slot LEDs: they consist of three LEDs referred to as Top, Middle, and Bottom LEDs and are found on Darth Vader’s chest control box

  • Lightsaber LEDs: when the lightsaber button is pressed, these LEDs are turned ON/OFF

    NOTE: on the Darth Vader’s figurine, three LEDs are used to turn on the lightsaber as explained in the Connection diagram. However, when simulating the Raspberry Pi with SimulRPi, only one LED is shown in the terminal

gpio_channels lists GPIO channel objects with the following properties:

  • channel_id: this property should not be modified because it is used to uniquely identify the GPIO channels

  • channel_name: it will be displayed in the terminal along with the LED symbol. By default, the channel number is displayed if channel_name is the empty string, i.e. channel_name = ""

  • channel_number: it identifies the GPIO pin based on the numbering system you have specified (BOARD or BCM)

  • key: it is only defined for button objects. It specifies the mapping between a keyboard key and a push button so you can simulate push buttons with your keyboard

    Example: changing keymap for the Song button
       "channel_id": "song_button",
       "channel_name": "song_button",
       "channel_number": 24,
       "key": "shift_r"
  • led_symbols: it is only defined for LED objects. It is a dictionary defining the symbols to be used when the LED is turned ON and OFF. If not found for a LED object, then the default LED symbols will be used

    Example: changing the default LED symbols for the lightsaber LEDs
       "channel_id": "lightsaber_led",
       "channel_name": "lightsaber",
       "channel_number": 22,
       "led_symbols": {
         "ON": "\\033[1;31;48m(0)\\033[1;37;0m",
         "OFF": "(0)"

Let’s take a look at two GPIO channels found in the configuration file:

Example: GPIO channels for the lightsaber button and LEDs
"gpio_channels": [
    "channel_id": "lightsaber_button",
    "channel_name": "lightsaber_button",
    "channel_number": 23,
    "key": "cmd"
    "channel_id": "lightsaber_led",
    "channel_name": "lightsaber",
    "channel_number": 22

Thus, in this example, you have a push button connected to the GPIO pin 23 (based on the BCM mode), controlling the lightsaber by turning it ON/OFF and producing the lightsaber sound effects (drawing, retraction, and hum sounds). Also, the keyboard key cmd simulates the lightsaber push button when running the start_dv script on your computer.

Finally, the ligthsaber LEDs are connected to GPIO pin 22 (BCM) and are turned ON/OFF when the corresponding push button (or cmd key) is pressed.


The setting mode in the configuration file defines the numbering system (BOARD or BCM) used to identify the GPIO channels. By default, BCM is used.

As per the RPIO.GPIO documentation:

BOARD refers to the pin numbers on the P1 header of the Raspberry Pi board. The advantage of using this numbering system is that your hardware will always work, regardless of the board revision of the RPi. You will not need to rewire your connector or change your code.

BCM is a lower level way of working - it refers to the channel numbers on the Broadcom SOC. You have to always work with a diagram of which channel number goes to which pin on the RPi board. Your script could break between revisions of Raspberry Pi boards.


The setting quiet in the configuration file is a flag (set to false by default) that allows you to run the start_dv script without printing anything on the terminal, not even the LED symbols when running the simulation nor the exceptions are printed.

However, you will still be able to hear sounds and interact with the push buttons or keyboard.

The setting quiet set to false by default
  "quiet": false,
  "simulation": false,
  "verbose": false,
  "mode": "BCM"

This flag can also be set directly through the script’s -q command-line option:

$ start_dv -q


The setting quotes in the configuration file defines all the Darth Vader’s quotes used for this project.

By default, two movie lines are included:

Each quote is represented in the configuration file as objects having the following properties:

  • id: unique identifier

  • name: it will be displayed in the terminal

  • filename: it is relative to the directory sounds_directory

  • audio_channel_id: all quotes should be played in channel 1 as explained in audio_channels

Example: two Darth Vader quotes
 "quotes": [
     "id": "dont_make_me_destroy_you",
     "name": "Don't make me destroy you",
     "filename": "quote_dont_make_me_destroy_you.ogg",
     "audio_channel_id": 1
     "id": "give_yourself_to_the_dark_side",
     "name": "Give yourself to the dark side",
     "filename": "quote_give_yourself_to_the_dark_side.ogg",
     "audio_channel_id": 1


All Darth Vader quotes should be played in channel 1 as explained in audio_channels


The setting simulation in the configuration file is a flag (set to false by default) that allows you to run the start_dv script on your computer, instead of a Raspberry Pi (RPi).

The SimulRPi.GPIO module is used in order to partly fake RPi.GPIO and simulate I/O devices connected to an RPi such as LEDs and push buttons by displaying LED symbols in the terminal and monitoring the keyboard for any pressed key.

This flag can also be set directly through the script’s -s command-line option:

$ start_dv -s


SimulRPi.GPIO makes use of the pynput package to monitor the keyboard for any pressed key.


Three LEDs (labeled as top, middle, and top) illuminate the slots in Darth Vader’s chest control box.

The setting slot_leds in the configuration file defines the sequence the slot LEDs should be turned ON/OFF. This sequence corresponds to Darth Vader’s physiological state, e.g. if he is in a calm mood the slot LEDs will blink in a different pattern than if he was in action.

slot_leds is an object that takes the following properties:

  • delay_between_steps: delay in seconds between each step in the sequence

  • time_per_step: time in seconds each step will last

  • sequence: the type of the sequence which can be either “action”, “calm” or a custom sequence. The sequence will keep on repeating until the script exits

Example: a slot_leds object with the calm sequence
     "delay_between_steps": 0.5,
     "time_per_step": 1,
     "sequence": "calm"

The user can also provide its own sequence by using a list of LED labels {‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’} arranged in a sequence specifying the order the slot LEDs should turn ON/OFF.

Example: custom slot LEDs sequence

  ["top", "bottom"],

This simple sequence will turn ON/OFF the slot LEDs in this order:

1. top + bottom LEDs turned ON
2. All LEDs turned OFF
3. middle LED turned ON
4. All LEDs turned OFF

Each step in the sequence will lasts for time_per_step seconds and there will be a delay of delay_between_steps seconds between each step in the sequence. And the whole sequence will keep on repeating until the script exits.


This is how the action and calm sequences are exactly defined:

Action sequence
  ["top", "middle", "bottom"],
  ["top", "bottom"],
  ["top", "middle", "bottom"],
  ["top", "middle", "bottom"],
  ["top", "middle", "bottom"],
  ["middle", "bottom"],
  ["top", "bottom"],
  ["top", "middle", "bottom"],
  ["top", "bottom"],
Calm sequence


The default sequences of slot LEDs were obtained from this YouTube video: Empire Strikes Back chest box light sequence.


The setting songs in the configuration file defines the songs that can be played as part of the project.

At the moment, only the Imperial March song by Jacob Townsend is supported.

The setting songs takes a list of song objects having the following properties:

  • id: this property should not be modified because it is used to uniquely identify the songs

  • name: the name of the song which will be shown in the terminal

  • filename: it is relative to the directory sounds_directory

  • audio_channel_id: all songs should be played in channel 1 as explained in audio_channels

The Imperial March song playing in audio channel #1
   "songs": [
       "id": "imperial_march_song",
       "name": "Imperial March song",
       "filename": "song_the_imperial_march.ogg",
       "audio_channel_id": 1


All songs should be played in channel 1 as explained in audio_channels


The setting sound_effects in the configuration file defines the following sounds:

  • Breathing sound: almost as soon as the start_dv script runs, Darth Vader’s breathing sound starts playing in the background until the script ends

  • Lightsaber drawing sound: when the lightsaber button is pressed, the drawing sound is played first followed by the hum sound which goes on until the button is pressed again which will produce the retraction sound

  • Lightsaber hum sound: plays immediately after the lightsaber drawing sound and goes on until the lightsaber button is pressed again

  • Lightsaber retraction sound: plays when the lightsaber button is pressed while the hum sound is playing

  • Closing sound: plays after the user presses ctrl + c to exit from the script. By default, it is not played at the end

sound_effects takes a list of sound objects having the following properties:

  • id: this property should not be modified because it is used to uniquely identify the sound effects

  • name: it is the name of the sound which will be displayed in the terminal

  • filename: it is relative to the directory sounds_directory

  • audio_channel_id: the audio channel used for playing the sound. See audio_channels to know what channel is used for each type of sounds

  • mute: it is only defined for the breathing and closing sounds. If set to true, the sound will not be played

  • loops: only defined for the breathing sound. It is the number of times the sound should be repeated. If set to -1, it will be repeated indefinitely

Example: two sound effects playing in different audio channels
   "sound_effects": [
       "id": "breathing_sound",
       "name": "Breathing sound",
       "filename": "darth_vader_breathing.ogg",
       "audio_channel_id": 0,
       "mute": false,
       "loops": -1
       "id": "closing_sound",
       "name": "Nooooo [Closing]",
       "filename": "quote_nooooo.ogg",
       "audio_channel_id": 2,
       "mute": true


The breathing sound should use channel 0, while the other sound effects should use channel 2. Hence, the breathing sound can be heard in the background while a sound effect is also being played (e.g. the drawing sound of the lightsaber). See audio_channels.


The setting sounds_directory in the configuration file defines the directory where all the audio files are saved.

By default, sounds_directory points to the path where the dv_sounds package is installed. dv_sounds is used to download the various sounds (e.g. sound efffects) needed for the project.

All the audio filenames found in the configuration file are defined relative to sounds_directory.

Example: Filename for the breathing-sound audio file
"sound_effects": [
    "id": "breathing_sound",
    "name": "Breathing sound",
    "filename": "darth_vader_breathing.ogg",
    "audio_channel_id": 0,
    "mute": false,
    "loops": -1

In this example, the audio file darth_vader_breathing.ogg is to be found in the directory sounds_directory.


The setting verbose in the configuration file is a flag (set to false by default) that allows you to run the start_dv script by logging to the terminal all messages (logging level is set to DEBUG when verbose is true). Also, when there is an exception, a traceback is printed so you can pinpoint exactly where the error occurred in the code which is not the case when running the script without verbose (you only get a one-line error message).

Example: running the script without verbose
ERROR    AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'edits'
ERROR    Program exited with 1
Example: running the script with verbose
ERROR    'Namespace' object has no attribute 'edits'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 795, in main
    if args.edits:
AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'edits'
ERROR    Program exited with 1

This flag can also be set directly through the script’s -v command-line option:

$ start_dv -v