API Reference


Script to turn on LEDs and play sound effects on a Raspberry Pi (RPi).

The LEDs illuminate a Darth Vader action figure’s lightsaber and the three slots in the chest control box. 3 push buttons control the following sounds and LEDs:

  1. Some of his famous quotes

  2. The Imperial march theme song

  3. The lightsaber drawing, hum and retraction sounds

  4. The lightsaber illumination (3 LEDs)

His iconic breathing sound plays in the background indefinitely almost as soon as the RPi is run with the script.

The script allows you also to edit the main config file to setup among other things the RPi’s GPIO pins connected to LEDs and push buttons.

By default the RPi.GPIO module is used, but if the simulation option (-s) is used with the start_dv script, then the SimulRPi.GPIO module will be used instead which simulates RPi.GPIO for those that don’t have an RPi to test on.


Once the darth_vader_rpi package is installed, you should have access to the start_dv script:

start_dv [-h] [--version] [-q] [-s] [-v] [-e {log,main}] [-a APP]

Run the script on the RPi with default values for the GPIO channels and other settings:

$ start_dv

Run the script on your computer using SimulRPi.GPIO which simulates RPi.GPIO:

$ start_dv -s

Edit the main config file with TextEdit (e.g. on macOS):

$ start_dv -e main -a TextEdit

Edit the logging config file with a default application (e.g. atom):

$ start_dv -e log


More information is available at:


In darth_vader, ledutils, and start_dv, the default value for GPIO is None and will be eventually set to one of the two modules (RPi.GPIO or SimulRPi.GPIO) depending on the user’s settings.

RPi.GPIO provides a class to control the GPIO pins on a Raspberry Pi.

If the simulation option (-s) is used with the start_dv script, the SimulRPi.GPIO module will be used instead.

start_dv.edit_config(cfg_type, app=None)[source]

Edit a configuration file.

The user chooses what type of config file (cfg_type) to edit: ‘log’ for the logging config file and ‘main’ for the main config file.

The configuration file can be opened by a user-specified application (app) or a default program associated with this type of file (when app is None).

  • cfg_type (str, {'log', 'main'}) – The type of configuration file we want to edit. ‘log’ refers to the logging config file, and ‘main’ to the main config file used to setup the Darth-Vader-RPi project such as specifying the sound effects or the GPIO channels.

  • app (str, optional) – Name of the application to use for opening the config file, e.g. TextEdit (the default value is None which implies that the default application will be used to open the config file).


retcode – If there is a subprocess -related error, the return code is non-zero. Otherwise, it is 0 if the file can be successfully opened with an external program.

Return type



Main entry-point to the script.

According to the user’s choice of action, the script might:

  • activate a Darth Vader figurine (turn on LEDs and play sound effects)

  • edit a configuration file


ValueError – Raised if an invalid configuration name is given to the command-line argument edit.


Only one action at a time can be performed.


Setup the argument parser for the command-line script.

The important actions that can be performed with the script are:

  • activate a Darth Vader figurine (turn on LEDs and play sound effects)

  • edit a configuration file


parser – Argument parser.

Return type



Module for activating a Darth Vader figurine by turning on LEDs on his suit and playing sounds, all done via a Raspberry Pi (RPi).

The LEDs illuminate Darth Vader’s lightsaber and the three slots in the chest control box. 3 push buttons control the following sounds and LEDs:

  1. Some of his famous quotes

  2. The Imperial march theme song

  3. The lightsaber drawing, hum and retraction sounds

  4. The lightsaber illumination (3 LEDs)

His iconic breathing sound plays in the background indefinitely almost as soon as the RPi is run with the script.

class darth_vader.DarthVader(main_cfg)[source]

Bases: object

Class for activating a Darth Vader figurine by turning on LEDs on his suit and playing sounds, all done via a Raspberry Pi (RPi).

The main config file is used to setup the start_dv script, such as the GPIO pins and the sound files.


main_cfg (dict) – Dictionary containing the configuration data to setup the start_dv script, such as the GPIO pins and the sound files. See main config file for a detailed look into its content.


th_slot_leds (start_dv.ExceptionThread) –

Thread responsible for turning on the three slot LEDs in a precise sequence.

Its target function is ledutils.turn_on_slot_leds().


Activate a Darth Vader figurine by turning on LEDs on his suit and playing sounds, all done via an RPi.

While the method waits for a pressed button, you can exit by pressing ctr + c.


retcode – If the method is run without any Exception, the return code is 0. Otherwise, it is 1.

Also, even if there is an Exception, the method will try to clean up before exiting.

Return type



Clean up any resources such as threads and GPIO channels.

The cleanup consists in the following actions:

  • turn off each LED

  • stop the thread th_slot_leds

  • stop each audio channel

  • call RPi.GPIO.cleanup() which will return all GPIO channels back to inputs with no pull up/down


gpio_channels (dict) –

Dictionary mapping channel id (str) to channel attributes (dict). The channel attributes consist in the following:

  • channel_number

  • channel_name

  • key

  • led_symbols


These channel attributes are those found in the setting gpio_channels from the main configuration file.

class darth_vader.ExceptionThread(verbose=False, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: threading.Thread

A subclass from threading.Thread that defines threads that can catch errors if their target functions raise an exception.

  • verbose (bool, optional) – If True, print the traceback when there is an exception. Otherwise, print just a one-line error message, e.g. KeyError: 'test'

  • args (tuple, optional) – Positional arguments given to the thread’s target function.

  • kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments given to the thread’s target function.


exc (Exception) – Represents the exception raised by the target function.



Method representing the thread’s activity.

Overridden from the base class threading.Thread. This method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.

It also saves and logs any error that the target function might raise.


Collection of LEDs-related utilities for the Darth-Vader-RPi project.


Turn off a LED from a given channel.


channel (int) – Channel number associated with a LED which will be turned off.


Turn on a LED from a given channel.


channel (int) – Channel number associated with a LED which will be turned on.

ledutils.turn_on_slot_leds(top_led, middle_led, bottom_led, leds_sequence='action', delay_between_steps=0.5, time_per_step=0.5)[source]

A thread’s target function that turn on/off the three slot LEDs in a precise sequence.

These three LEDs are associated with Darth Vader’s three slots located on his chest control box. These LEDs are labeled as ‘top’, ‘middle’, and ‘bottom’, respectively.

The three LEDs are turned on according to a default or custom sequence which repeats itself. The accepted values for leds_sequence are ‘action’ and ‘calm’ which represent Darth Vader’s physiological state as a sequence of LEDs blinking in a particular order.

The user can also provide its own leds_sequence by using a list of LED labels {‘top’, ‘midddle’, ‘bottom’} arranged in a sequence specifying the order the slot LEDs should turn on/off, e.g. [['top', 'bottom'], [], ['middle'], []] will turn on/off the slot LEDs in this order:

1. top + bottom LEDs turned on
2. All LEDs turned off
3. middle LED turned on
4. All LEDs turned off

Each step in the sequence will last for time_per_step seconds.

There will be a delay of delay_between_steps seconds between each step in the previous example.

The default sequences of slot LEDs were obtained from this YouTube video.

  • top_led (int) – Channel number associated with the Top slot LED.

  • middle_led (int) – Channel number associated with the Middle slot LED.

  • bottom_led (int) – Channel number associated with the Bottom slot LED.

  • leds_sequence (str or list, optional) –

    Sequence of slot LEDs on Darth Vader’s chest box.

    If leds_sequence is a string, then it takes on one of these values which represent Darth Vader’s physiological state: {‘action’, ‘calm’}.

    If leds_sequence is a list, then it must be a list of slot LED labels {‘top’, ‘middle’, ‘bottom’} arranged in a sequence as to specify the order the slot LEDs should turn on/off, e.g. [['top', 'bottom'], [], ['middle'], []] will turn on/off the slot LEDs in this order:

    1. top + bottom LEDs turn on
    2. All LEDs turn off
    3. middle LED turn on
    4. All LEDs turn off

  • delay_between_steps (float, optional) – Delay in seconds between each step in the sequence. The default value is 0.5 second.

  • time_per_step (float, optional) –

    Time in seconds each step in the sequence will last. The default value is 0.5 second.


    This also affects the time all LEDs will remain turned off if a step in leds_sequence is an empty list.


turn_on_slot_leds() should be run by a thread and eventually stopped from the main program by setting its do_run attribute to False to let the thread exit from its target function.

For example:

th = threading.Thread(target=turn_on_slot_leds,

# Your other code ...

# Time to stop thread
th.do_run = False


Collection of utilities for the Darth-Vader-RPi project.

class utils.SoundWrapper(sound_id, sound_name, sound_filepath, channel_id, mute=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class that wraps around pygame.mixer.Channel and pygame.mixer.Sound.

The __init__ method takes care of automatically loading the sound file. The sound file can then be played or stopped from the specified channel channel_id with the play() or stop() method, respectively.

  • sound_id (str) – A unique identifier.

  • sound_name (str) – Name of the sound file that will be displayed in the terminal.

  • sound_filepath (str) – Path to the sound file.

  • channel_id (int) – Channel id associated with an instance of pygame.mixer.Channel for controlling playback. It must take an int value starting from 0.

  • mute (bool, optional) – If set to True, the sound will not be played. The default value is False.


It is a wrapper with a very minimal interface to pygame.mixer.Channel where only two methods play() and stop() are provided for the sake of the project.


Play a sound on the specified Channel channel_id.


loops (int) –

Controls how many times the sample will be repeated after being played the first time. The default value (zero) means the sound is not repeated, and so is only played once. If loops is set to -1 the sound will loop indefinitely (though you can still call stop() to stop it).

Reference: pygame.mixer.Sound.play()


Stop playback on the specified channel channel_id.

utils.add_spaces_to_msg(msg, nb_spaces=60)[source]

Add spaces at the end of a message.

  • msg (str) – Message to be updated with spaces at the end.

  • nb_spaces (int) – Number of spaces to add at the end of the message. The default value is 60.


message – The updated message with spaces added at the end.

Return type


utils.dumps_json(filepath, data, encoding='utf8', ensure_ascii=False, indent=None, sort_keys=False)[source]

Write data to a JSON file.

The data is first serialized to a JSON formatted string and then saved to disk.

  • filepath (str) – Path to the JSON file where the data will be saved.

  • data – Data to be written to the JSON file.

  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding to be used for opening the JSON file in write mode (the default value is ‘utf8’).

  • ensure_ascii (bool, optional) – If ensure_ascii is False, then the return value can contain non-ASCII characters if they appear in strings contained in data. Otherwise, all such characters are escaped in JSON strings. See the json.dumps docstring description (the default value is False).

  • indent (int or None, optional) – If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation. See the json.dumps() docstring description. (the default value is None).

  • sort_keys (bool, optional) – If sort_keys is True, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key. See the json.dumps docstring description. (the default value is False).


OSError – Raised if any I/O related error occurs while writing the data to disk, e.g. the file doesn’t exist.


Get the path to the directory containing the config files.


dirpath – The path to the directory containing the config files.

Return type



Get the path to a config file used by the script start_dv.

file_type accepts the following values:

  • default_log: refers to the default logging configuration file used to setup the logging for all custom modules.

  • default_main: refers to the default main configuration file used to setup the script start_dv.

  • log: refers to the user-defined logging configuration file which is used to setup the logging for all custom modules.

  • main: refers to the user-defined main configuration file used to setup the script start_dv.


file_type (str, {‘default_log’, ‘default_main’, ‘log’, ‘main’}) – The type of config file for which we want the path.


filepath – The path to the config file.

Return type



AssertionError – Raised if the wrong type of config file is given to the function. Only {‘default_log’, ‘default_main’, ‘log’, ‘main’} are accepted for file_type.

utils.load_json(filepath, encoding='utf8')[source]

Load JSON data from a file on disk.

If using Python version betwee 3.0 and 3.6 (inclusive), the data is returned as collections.OrderedDict. Otherwise, the data is returned as dict.

  • filepath (str) – Path to the JSON file which will be read.

  • encoding (str, optional) – Encoding to be used for opening the JSON file in read mode (the default value is ‘utf8’).


data – Data loaded from the JSON file.

Return type

dict or collections.OrderedDict


OSError – Raised if any I/O related error occurs while reading the file, e.g. the file doesn’t exist.


Are dictionaries ordered in Python 3.6+? (stackoverflow)

utils.override_config_with_args(config, parser)[source]

Override a config dictionary with arguments from the command-line.


retval – Contains two lists:

1. args_not_found: saves command-line arguments not found in the config dictionary

2. config_opts_overridden: saves config options overridden by command-line arguments as a three-tuple (option name, old value, new value)

Return type



Run a shell command with arguments.

The shell command is given as a string but the function will split it in order to get a list having the name of the command and its arguments as items.


cmd (str) –

Command to be executed, e.g.

open -a TextEdit text.txt


retcode – Returns code which is 0 if the command was successfully completed. Otherwise, the return code is non-zero.

Return type



FileNotFoundError – Raised if the command cmd is not recognized, e.g. $ TextEdit {filepath} since TextEdit is not an executable.