Source code for ledutils

"""Collection of LEDs-related utilities for the *Darth-Vader-RPi* project.
import logging
import threading
import time
from logging import NullHandler

from darth_vader_rpi.utils import add_spaces_to_msg
from darth_vader_rpi.slot_leds_sequences import ACTION, CALM

    import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
except ImportError:
    import SimulRPi.GPIO as GPIO

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_DEFAULT_SEQ = {'action': ACTION, 'calm': CALM}

[docs]def turn_off_led(channel): """Turn off a LED from a given channel. Parameters ---------- channel : int Channel number associated with a LED which will be turned off. """ # logger.debug("LED {} off".format(led)) GPIO.output(channel, GPIO.LOW)
[docs]def turn_on_led(channel): """Turn on a LED from a given channel. Parameters ---------- channel : int Channel number associated with a LED which will be turned on. """ # logger.debug("LED {} on".format(led)) GPIO.output(channel, GPIO.HIGH)
[docs]def turn_on_slot_leds(top_led, middle_led, bottom_led, leds_sequence="action", delay_between_steps=0.5, time_per_step=0.5): """A thread's **target function** that turn on/off the three slot LEDs in a precise sequence. These three LEDs are associated with Darth Vader's three slots located on his chest control box. These LEDs are labeled as '`top`', '`middle`', and '`bottom`', respectively. The three LEDs are turned on according to a default or custom sequence which repeats itself. The accepted values for ``leds_sequence`` are '`action`' and '`calm`' which represent Darth Vader's physiological state as a sequence of LEDs blinking in a particular order. The user can also provide its own ``leds_sequence`` by using a list of LED labels {'`top`', '`midddle`', '`bottom`'} arranged in a sequence specifying the order the slot LEDs should turn on/off, e.g. ``[['top', 'bottom'], [], ['middle'], []]`` will turn on/off the slot LEDs in this order:: 1. top + bottom LEDs turned on 2. All LEDs turned off 3. middle LED turned on 4. All LEDs turned off Each step in the sequence will last for ``time_per_step`` seconds. There will be a delay of ``delay_between_steps`` seconds between each step in the previous example. The default sequences of slot LEDs were obtained from this `YouTube video`_. Parameters ---------- top_led : int Channel number associated with the `Top` slot LED. middle_led : int Channel number associated with the `Middle` slot LED. bottom_led : int Channel number associated with the `Bottom` slot LED. leds_sequence : str or list, optional Sequence of slot LEDs on Darth Vader's chest box. If ``leds_sequence`` is a string, then it takes on one of these values which represent Darth Vader's physiological state: {'*action*', '*calm*'}. If ``leds_sequence`` is a list, then it must be a list of slot LED labels {'`top`', '`middle`', '`bottom`'} arranged in a sequence as to specify the order the slot LEDs should turn on/off, e.g. ``[['top', 'bottom'], [], ['middle'], []]`` will turn on/off the slot LEDs in this order:: 1. top + bottom LEDs turn on 2. All LEDs turn off 3. middle LED turn on 4. All LEDs turn off delay_between_steps : float, optional Delay in seconds between each step in the sequence. The default value is 0.5 second. time_per_step : float, optional Time in seconds each step in the sequence will last. The default value is 0.5 second. .. important:: This also affects the time all LEDs will remain turned off if a step in ``leds_sequence`` is an empty list. .. important:: :meth:`turn_on_slot_leds` should be run by a thread and eventually stopped from the main program by setting its ``do_run`` attribute to `False` to let the thread exit from its target function. **For example**: .. code-block:: python th = threading.Thread(target=turn_on_slot_leds, args=(leds_channels)) th.start() # Your other code ... # Time to stop thread th.do_run = False th.join() """ # LED labels to Channel numbers Mapping (LCM) lcm = dict((('top', top_led), ('middle', middle_led), ('bottom', bottom_led))) if isinstance(leds_sequence, str): leds_sequence = leds_sequence.lower() assert leds_sequence in _DEFAULT_SEQ.keys(), \ "Wrong type of leds_sequence: '{}' (choose from {})".format( leds_sequence, ", ".join(_DEFAULT_SEQ.keys())) leds_sequence = _DEFAULT_SEQ[leds_sequence] else: assert isinstance(leds_sequence, list), \ "leds_sequence should be a string ({}) or a list: '{}'".format( ", ".join(_DEFAULT_SEQ.keys()), leds_sequence) th = threading.currentThread() subseq_idx = 0 # TODO: use SimulRPi API to get LEDs states leds_states = dict(zip(lcm.keys(), [GPIO.LOW]*len(lcm))) while getattr(th, "do_run", True): leds_subsequence = leds_sequence[subseq_idx % len(leds_sequence)] subseq_idx += 1 for channel_label, channel in lcm.items(): cur_state = leds_states[channel_label] if channel_label in leds_subsequence: if cur_state != GPIO.HIGH: leds_states[channel_label] = GPIO.HIGH turn_on_led(channel) else: if cur_state != GPIO.LOW: leds_states[channel_label] = GPIO.LOW turn_off_led(channel) time.sleep(time_per_step+delay_between_steps) logger.debug(add_spaces_to_msg("Stopping thread: {}".format(