Source code for utils

"""Collection of utilities for the *Darth-Vader-RPi* project.
import codecs
import json
import os
import shlex
import subprocess
import sys
from collections import namedtuple, OrderedDict

os.environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = "hide"
import pygame

from darth_vader_rpi import configs

# TODO: explain
_CFG_EXT = "json"
_LOG_CFG_FILENAME = 'logging_cfg'
_MAIN_CFG_FILENAME = 'main_cfg'
_CFG_FILENAMES = namedtuple("cfg_filenames", "user_cfg default_cfg")

def _add_cfg_filenames():
    _CFG_FILENAMES.user_cfg = {
        'log': '{}.'.format(_LOG_CFG_FILENAME) + _CFG_EXT,
        'main': '{}.'.format(_MAIN_CFG_FILENAME) + _CFG_EXT}
    _CFG_FILENAMES.default_cfg = dict(
        [("default_" + k, "default_" + v)
         for k, v in _CFG_FILENAMES.user_cfg.items()])


# TODO: clear buffer?
[docs]def add_spaces_to_msg(msg, nb_spaces=60): """Add spaces at the end of a message. Parameters ---------- msg : str Message to be updated with spaces at the end. nb_spaces : int Number of spaces to add at the end of the message. The default value is 60. Returns ------- message : str The updated message with spaces added at the end. """ return "{}{}".format(msg, " " * nb_spaces)
# TODO: fix in genutils new changes
[docs]def dumps_json(filepath, data, encoding='utf8', ensure_ascii=False, indent=None, sort_keys=False): """Write data to a JSON file. The data is first serialized to a JSON formatted string and then saved to disk. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the JSON file where the data will be saved. data Data to be written to the JSON file. encoding : str, optional Encoding to be used for opening the JSON file in write mode (the default value is '*utf8*'). ensure_ascii : bool, optional If ``ensure_ascii`` is *False*, then the return value can contain non-ASCII characters if they appear in strings contained in ``data``. Otherwise, all such characters are escaped in JSON strings. See the ``json.dumps`` docstring description (the default value is *False*). indent : int or None, optional If ``indent`` is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. :obj:`None` is the most compact representation. See the :meth:`json.dumps` docstring description. (the default value is :obj:`None`). sort_keys : bool, optional If ``sort_keys`` is *True*, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key. See the ``json.dumps`` docstring description. (the default value is *False*). Raises ------ OSError Raised if any I/O related error occurs while writing the data to disk, e.g. the file doesn't exist. """ try: with, 'w', encoding) as f: f.write(json.dumps(data, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, indent=indent, sort_keys=sort_keys)) except OSError: raise
[docs]def get_cfg_dirpath(): """Get the path to the directory containing the config files. Returns ------- dirpath : str The path to the directory containing the config files. """ return configs.__path__[0]
[docs]def get_cfg_filepath(file_type): """Get the path to a config file used by the script :mod:`start_dv`. ``file_type`` accepts the following values: - **default_log**: refers to the `default logging configuration file`_ used to setup the logging for all custom modules. - **default_main**: refers to the `default main configuration file`_ used to setup the script :mod:`start_dv`. - **log**: refers to the user-defined logging configuration file which is used to setup the logging for all custom modules. - **main**: refers to the user-defined main configuration file used to setup the script :mod:`start_dv`. Parameters ---------- file_type : str, {'*default_log*', '*default_main*', '*log*', '*main*'} The type of config file for which we want the path. Returns ------- filepath : str The path to the config file. Raises ------ AssertionError Raised if the wrong type of config file is given to the function. Only {'*default_log*', '*default_main*', '*log*', '*main*'} are accepted for ``file_type``. """ # TODO: explain valid_file_types = list(_CFG_FILENAMES.user_cfg.keys()) \ + list(_CFG_FILENAMES.default_cfg.keys()) assert file_type in valid_file_types, \ "Wrong type of config file: '{}' (choose from {})".format( file_type, ", ".join(valid_file_types)) if file_type.startswith('default'): filename = _CFG_FILENAMES.default_cfg[file_type] else: filename = _CFG_FILENAMES.user_cfg[file_type] return os.path.join(get_cfg_dirpath(), filename)
# TODO: test if include Python 3.6
[docs]def load_json(filepath, encoding='utf8'): """Load JSON data from a file on disk. If using Python version betwee 3.0 and 3.6 (inclusive), the data is returned as :obj:`collections.OrderedDict`. Otherwise, the data is returned as :obj:`dict`. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Path to the JSON file which will be read. encoding : str, optional Encoding to be used for opening the JSON file in read mode (the default value is '*utf8*'). Returns ------- data : dict or collections.OrderedDict Data loaded from the JSON file. Raises ------ OSError Raised if any I/O related error occurs while reading the file, e.g. the file doesn't exist. References ---------- `Are dictionaries ordered in Python 3.6+? (stackoverflow)`_ """ try: with, 'r', encoding) as f: if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor <= 6: data = json.load(f, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) else: data = json.load(f) except OSError: raise else: return data
[docs]def override_config_with_args(config, parser): """Override a config dictionary with arguments from the command-line. Parameters ---------- config : dict Dictionary containing configuration options. parser : argparse.ArgumentParser Argument parser. Returns ------- retval : :obj:`collections.namedtuple` Contains two lists: 1. `args_not_found`: saves command-line arguments not found in the config dictionary 2. `config_opts_overridden`: saves config options overridden by command-line arguments as a three-tuple (option name, old value, new value) """ args = parser.parse_args().__dict__ parser_actions = parser.__dict__['_actions'] retval = namedtuple("retval", "args_not_found config_opts_overridden") retval.args_not_found = [] retval.config_opts_overridden = [] for action in parser_actions: opt_name = action.dest old_val = config.get(opt_name) if old_val is None: retval.args_not_found.append(opt_name) else: new_val = args.get(opt_name) if new_val is None: continue if new_val != action.default and new_val != old_val: config[opt_name] = new_val retval.config_opts_overridden.append((opt_name, old_val, new_val)) return retval
# NOTE: taken from pyutils.genutils
[docs]def run_cmd(cmd): """Run a shell command with arguments. The shell command is given as a string but the function will split it in order to get a list having the name of the command and its arguments as items. Parameters ---------- cmd : str Command to be executed, e.g. :: open -a TextEdit text.txt Returns ------- retcode: int Returns code which is 0 if the command was successfully completed. Otherwise, the return code is non-zero. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError Raised if the command ``cmd`` is not recognized, e.g. ``$ TextEdit {filepath}`` since `TextEdit` is not an executable. """ try: if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor <= 6: # TODO: PIPE not working as arguments and capture_output new in # Python 3.7 # Ref.: # result = else: result =, capture_output=True) except FileNotFoundError: raise else: return result
[docs]class SoundWrapper: """Class that wraps around :class:`pygame.mixer.Channel` and :class:`pygame.mixer.Sound`. The ``__init__`` method takes care of automatically loading the sound file. The sound file can then be played or stopped from the specified channel ``channel_id`` with the :meth:`play` or :meth:`stop` method, respectively. Parameters ---------- sound_id : str A unique identifier. sound_name : str Name of the sound file that will be displayed in the terminal. sound_filepath : str Path to the sound file. channel_id : int Channel id associated with an instance of :class:`pygame.mixer.Channel` for controlling playback. It must take an :obj:`int` value starting from 0. mute : bool, optional If set to `True`, the sound will not be played. The default value is `False`. .. note:: It is a wrapper with a very minimal interface to :class:`pygame.mixer.Channel` where only two methods :meth:`play` and :meth:`stop` are provided for the sake of the project. """ def __init__(self, sound_id, sound_name, sound_filepath, channel_id, mute=False): self.sound_id = sound_id self.sound_name = sound_name self.sound_filepath = sound_filepath self.channel_id = channel_id self.mute = mute self._channel = pygame.mixer.Channel(channel_id) # Load sound file self._pygame_sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(self.sound_filepath)
[docs] def play(self, loops=0): """Play a sound on the specified Channel ``channel_id``. Parameters ---------- loops : int Controls how many times the sample will be repeated after being played the first time. The default value (zero) means the sound is not repeated, and so is only played once. If ``loops`` is set to -1 the sound will loop indefinitely (though you can still call :meth:`stop` to stop it). **Reference:** :meth:`` """, loops)
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop playback on the specified channel ``channel_id``. """ self._channel.stop()